Welcome to band class!
Concert band performs a holiday show in December and a spring concert at the end of the school year.
As Always, Please make sure that you take care of all of the following ASAP:
1. Have your parents fill out and sign a blue form that takes care of all of the trips that the marching band does throughout the season.
2. Get a lock and locker for your instrument. Lockers are based on size preference. Bari Saxes, Trombones, Tenor Saxes, French Horns all have priority, over all other instruments. Tubas hang on the wall.
3. Make sure that you have a working instrument, or get it fixed ASAP and working reeds / valve oil / sticks / or mallets .
4. Make sure that you have a music folder and that it has the scale sheet & The Claude T. Smith Book inside & practice the rhythmic studies on back of the cover. Remember to put your folder back in the slot every day. (Unless you’re taking it home to practice, but then remember to bring it back in the morning)
5. Get a flip folder filled with stand music for the football games and pep rallies.
6. Lesson schedule will be built right into your lesson cards. Bring in your case of water donation (if you haven’t already)
1. Complete all of the requirements and Mr. Visco will submit your name at the end of the school year to Mr. McNeil and the Guidance office, you will then receive your honors credit.
2. Students must be able to:
* Perform the required New Jersey Music Educators Association (NJMEA) All State Solo for that year. (Information located in the may issue of TEMPO Magazine, or ask Mr. Visco)
* Perform from memory all of the 12 different Major Scales and a chromatic scale, through the range of the instrument as depicted by the NJMEA Range List. (Most scales are 1-3 octaves depending on the instrument and the starting pitch) Diatonic Scales will be performed in the “Scale Rhythm Pattern” of one quarter note followed by 6 eight notes per octave at a minimum of 100 beats per minute. Chromatic Scale will be performed in 16th note patterns of 80 beats per minute. Percussionists must be able to perform from memory the mandatory percussion rudiments as requierd by the NJMEA All State Procedures Committee.
3. Students Must Register and Audition for at least one selective honors group that uses the NJMEA guidelines for entrance requirements. These organizations are: NJMEA Region Honors Band; All Shore Symphonic Band; Garden State youth Philharmonic; NJ Youth Orchestra.
4. Students are responsible for a minimum of 2.5 hours (150 mins.) of documented outside practice, spread over a minimum of 5 days.
5. Students are responsible for a 2 hours of classical music listening per semester. This may be recorded on CD, or radio, or TV, or live in person. Students are required to submit a written critique of the recording/performances. The critique does not neccesarily have a length requirement, but you will need to be able to convey to the reader that you actually paid attention to the music by describing what you liked or disliked about the music. You must also use examples to support your particular stance.
****This requirement is waived for the first semester if you are an active member (in good standing) of the Panther Competition Marching Band.